Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kanneliya bio-diversity unit

Kanneliya Forest Reserve located in the Galle district is the largest of the KDN, or Kanneliya-Dediyagala-Nakiyadeniya, forest complex. Kanneliya is regarded as one of the most biologically diverse areas in the country (as well as in the world). The bio-diversity of Kanneliya is considered richer, even compared to the world heritage rain forest “sinharaja”.Most of Kanneliya today is a forest that had recovered from selective logging that had happened in1970s. The water flows in the forest are now recovering with a numerous numbers of streams adding life to the diverse vegetation and some what hilly landscape. These streams create several beautiful cascades in side the forest. They also provide ideal opportunities for nice cool dip in some of the purest streams in the whole world!

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